Friday, February 9, 2007

Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear...

It's 2007. We are at the end. Life as we know it will be over in a matter of years. We are on the brink of World War 3. There are diseases to cure, people to feed, music to make, films to make, stories to write, drinks to drink, drugs to take, places to see and people to meet. Why am I bored?


froelica said...

Cause nothings ever good enough for you, ya friggin' ingrate.


froelica said...

On an unrelated note- I'd really like one of those butt pillows to sit on at work. My tailbone is poking so far into my butt I'm going to start growing a tail. And then I'll wag it when I'm happy :)

Sarah said...

Because you don't hang out with me enough. Geez.

Emily said...

James you should just have some babies - you will NEVER be bored again... not necessarily happy but you wont be bored - there is always SOMETHING to do..... use your imagination....

froelica said...

Baaaaaaabe...... Update your blooooooog.......

That was whiny.

Sarah said...


Amy said...

I am carpet bombing all those that have not updated their blog in the last month. You're next.


Update. It will help me with my boredom issues.

Emily said...

James... it's time to give me a little update.... now!!!!

Susie Q said...

Tis your ever loving mother! I have found you and already you're pissin' me off.
What kind of screen writer only write 6 sentences in two months?
Have you read MY blogs?
Read, respond and update your own.

Do as your mother says...

froelica said...

James Ian MacMillan. You cannot make the excuse that you don't have time to update your blog. I know because I'm with you about 16 hours a day. You don't do a heck of a lot. You also can't make the excuse that you're never on the internet cause, lets face it... You're always on the internet. Usually looking up bands or MySpace. Now, we all know that MySpace is the root of all that is wrong with the world. If you would just use a little bit of the time you would have spent there, here..... We'd all be able to stop yelling "UPDATE!!!" in your general direction.

Thank you, and have a pleasant day.

Don't open your eyes said...

Relax, have a drink and watch the world as the wheels fall off. There's something intriguing about humanity killing itself.