Shaun of the Dead
English, Zombies, Funny as Hell, Simon Pegg.
Fight Club
Revolution, Awesome Director, Brilliant Script, Chuck Palahniuk wrote the story, and "Where's My Mind" from The Pixies plays at the end.
The Shawshank Redemption
Perfect Screenplay, Perfect Story, Tim Robbins, Plain ol' Badass.
Pulp Fiction
Super Cool.
The Birdcage
Funny as Hell, Robbin Williams. -In my opinion one of the funniest movies ever made.
( This was hard for me. There are so many other movies that are close to me heart & soul, but at this very moment these 5 will do.
-Aaahhh... Office Space, The Godfather(s) Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Waking Ned Devine, Kill Bill (s), Christmas Vacation, Biloxi Blues, O Brother Where Art Thou, Rushmore etc, etc, etc...
Did I tell you? We watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" the other night with Brad Pitt and one of the characters was wearing a "Fight Club" t-shirt. I just thought that was cool and very subliminal. Love subliminal.
Yeah you told me. That's pretty funny. Fight Club is an swesome moov!
Haven't ever heard of Revolution. Shall check it out. I also really need to see Birdcage again. I thought it was funny, but maybe I saw it when I was too young because I don't remember LOVING it. I should though, I think.
PS Revolution doesn't come up on Netflix. I wonder...
Excellent, beebs.
Sarah, I don't think there's a movie called "Revolution." That was one of my descriptions of Fight Club. Check my blog again...
Sarah's brain power is being robbed by the uterine dweller, don't be too hard on her...
I wish I had an excuse for my lapses in mental capacity....
Oh yes. I'm retarded... But there is a movie called Revolution. It's Robert Deniro from the 80's. Looks awful. I assumed you had better taste than that. :) Now I need to rent it.
Man I'm kind of afraid to add to all of your 5 desert island movies - I just don't think my taste matches up to all of yours exactly and I'm afeared I may be made fun of.... but none the less I plan on filling one out asap! :) It wont be the first time I've been made fun of by all you asses!
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