Tuesday, November 13, 2007

MIRRORS is now officially THE DAYS THE NIGHTS. We had to change our name due to other bands having the name first. Specifically a band from LA that was trademarked and still touring, it was in everyone's opinion to address this issue before we put out our first record, toured, built any sort of fan base and then had to change our name. We would have had to start from scratch. We had our attorney/manager do a very extensive search on the law regarding this and all signs were pointing towards changing the name. This sucks, I really like the name MIRRORS. I kind of got out-voted on THE DAYS THE NIGHTS,it wasn't my favorite but that's how it goes, we're a democratic band and have to make decisions quickly. So that's that. You're new favorite band is: THE DAYS THE NIGHTS!!!!


Mac said...

I like it.

Sarah said...

And that means I have a vintage tshirt! Remember that

Sarah said...

Damn, it sent before I was done. What I was saying was...Remember that band Mirrors? Yeah, they were good. I have a shirt from their first show. Ok, it's not nearly as funny now.

kara said...

What name did you get out-voted on? Just curious.

Susie Q said...

I like it already.

Emily said...

I don't care what your name is (even though I do like it) I still think you guys rock!

Haley said...

i actually like it alot!!! its fun to say. haha

froelica said...

BLOG! Man, its like pulling teeth with you...