The Daily Chorus.com has just released the first annual TDC Awards for voting. There are only 6 categories and we were nominated for Biggest Breakthrough Band of 2008.
The voting runs through January 12th. It would mean a lot to us if you guys took a second and voted for us. Thanks guys!!
The link is: http://www.thedailychorus.com/index.php?subaction=showcommen
Thanks guys and let's have a big 2008, together!
aka- jamesjeffnastynatemichael
ps I love you guys.
Voted! Very exciting Moose!
Hey Moose, as of this morning, you have moved into third place. Kim Gallo said she voted five times. Once for each of their family members. And Scott's Mom and Dad voted too.
"Pinch yourself".....
done and done.
hee hee we're second to last!! It doesn't matter anyway. Just found out that the #1 band is being managed by the dude who runs thedailychorus. Well that explains that...
Besides, those 15 year old swoopie haired emo kids with lip rings that check that site are afraid of our rock n' fuckn' roll!! What can you do eh? Thanks for voting though! Love ya,
Yeah, Parade the Day is WAY lame and I have it on good authority that they also suck balls. Its true.
I voted too and a couple of my myspace friends said they did too. You guys rock! (and fuckn' roll)
Oh where oh where has my little James gone, Oh where oh where can he be?
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